
1. From Proposal to Contract

Book proposals should be written in accordance with our submission guidelines that should be consulted before submission. Manuscripts may also be submitted and will be considered as promptly as possible.

If a submission meets our guidelines, Naturalogic will send the proposal to relevant advisers for an assessment of whether the proposal meets its scholarly objectives and would suit aturalogic ’s publishing programme and the proposer’s needs. If you have any concerns about whether your proposal might or might not be suitable for publication by Naturalogic, please contact Naturalogic via

Peer reviews and the author’s response to these, form the basis for a recommendation to accept or to reject the proposal. Assuming a proposal follows Naturalogic’s guidelines for submissions the decision to accept or reject the proposal is made by members of the Naturalogic’s editorial board. When a proposal is accepted, the author is sent a contract by Naturalogic’ for consideration and signature. Naturalogic will discuss its plans for publication with the author, who may be required to submit a publicity and marketing form or update the information provided at the proposal stage.

2. Final Stages and Production

When a revised or full-length manuscript is completed by the author a second peer review process is usually undertaken by independent, expert, external reviewers. If the reviews recommend proceeding with the manuscript, the author may still be requested to make revisions based on their recommendations or the script may be given the green light to move on to production.

Naturalogic oversee the next stages where a book is designed, typeset and subject to formatting checks. On publication the book is made available online and for bookstores to order and is marketed by Naturalogic.

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